Easy Béchamel Sauce

Easy Béchamel Sauce
5.0 from 1 vote

Easy Béchamel sauce is a must-have recipe for every household. A creamy, smooth and versatile sauce that serves as the foundation for many classic dishes. Whether you’re preparing a lasagna, gratin, or simply want to elevate a vegetable dish, mastering béchamel sauce is a must for any home cook. With just a few simple ingredients and using my recipe, you can ‘master’ this sauce in no time. Combine it with my recipe for The Best Bolognese and Homemade Pasta to create the perfect Lasagna.


  • Unsalted butter: Provides a rich, smooth base for the sauce.
  • Plain flour: Forms a roux when combined with butter, thickening the sauce.
  • Milk: Turning the roux into a creamy sauce.
  • Nutmeg: Adds a warm, subtle spice that complements the richness of the sauce.
  • Salt: Enhances the flavour of the béchamel sauce.
  • Pepper: Adds a touch of spice and depth.
  • Cheddar cheese: Optional but adds a deliciously creamy and tangy element to the sauce.


  1. Start with the Roux: Begin by melting the butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Once melted, add the plain flour and whisk continuously for about 1 minute. This process creates a roux, which is the thickening base for the béchamel sauce. The key is to cook the flour just enough to eliminate its raw taste without browning it.
  2. Incorporate the Milk: Remove the saucepan from the heat and gradually whisk in the milk. It’s important to add the milk slowly, whisking constantly to ensure a smooth, lump-free mixture. Once all the milk is incorporated and the mixture is smooth, return the saucepan to the heat.
  3. Thicken the Sauce: Continue whisking the mixture over medium heat until it thickens to your desired consistency. This usually takes a few minutes. As the sauce thickens, it should coat the back of a spoon.
  4. Add the Flavours: Once the sauce has thickened, add the nutmeg, salt, pepper, and grated cheddar cheese, if desired. Stir until the cheese has melted and the sauce is smooth and well seasoned.

Tips and Uses for Béchamel Sauce:

  • Consistency: If your sauce is too thick, you can thin it with a little extra milk. If it’s too thin, continue to cook and whisk until it reaches the right consistency.
  • Versatility: Béchamel sauce is incredibly versatile. Use it as a base for cheese sauces, as a topping for baked dishes like lasagna or moussaka, or as a creamy component in casseroles, pasta bakes and gratins.
  • Storage: If you’re making the sauce ahead of time, cover it with plastic wrap directly on the surface to prevent a skin from forming. It can be stored in the fridge for up to three days.

Mastering béchamel sauce opens the door to a world of culinary possibilities. With its rich texture and subtle flavour, this sauce is a building block for many beloved dishes. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or just starting out, having a reliable béchamel recipe is essential for creating some of the most delicious, comforting meals.

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Easy Bechamel Sauce

Easy Bechamel Sauce

Recipe by Elby | The Tasteful Pantry

A rich and creamy sauce great for lasagna, moussaka, bakes and gratins.

Course: Main, SauceCuisine: FrenchDifficulty: Easy
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  • 50 grams unsalted butter

  • 50 grams plain flour

  • 2 cups milk

  • ¼ tsp nutmeg

  • ½ tsp salt

  • pepper to taste

  • ½ cup grated cheddar cheese


  • Melt the butter in a small saucepan over medium heat.
  • Add the flour and whisk for 1 minute. Remove from the heat and gradually whisk in the milk, whisking until the mixture is smooth and all the milk has been incorporated.
  • Return to the heat and whisk until the mixture thickens. Add the nutmeg, salt, pepper and cheese. Remove from heat.

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