Classic Pizza Sauce

Classic Pizza Sauce
5.0 from 1 vote

Classic Pizza Sauce is the foundation for one of, if not, the most famous Italian food. No pizza is complete without it. This sauce brings together the vibrant taste of tomatoes and garlic – simmered to perfection. You can also get away with using this pizza sauce raw (skip the simmering part) or spreading the base with a simple layer of tomato paste. But it is definitely worth taking the extra 15 minutes to let the heat do its thing!

Oil, garlic, tinned tomatoes, tomato paste, a touch of sugar and a little salt and pepper is all it takes to make my Classic Pizza Sauce. You can fancy it up with herbs however, I find this sauce to be the perfect balance of savoury and sweet. It is bold enough for a simple margherita and doesn’t detract from a fully-loaded meat lover’s.

How to Make Classic Pizza Sauce

Well lets just say, this is probably not the way the Italian’s do it (despite my claims of ‘classic’). And it’s probably not a chef’s method either. But it is quick, easy and tastes every bit as good (or ‘classic’) as the Italian or professional version 🙂

Blitz the garlic, tomatoes and tomato paste in a food processor. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and add the tomato mix. Simmer for approximately 15 minutes (longer if you like, for a thicker sauce). Add sugar, salt and pepper – to taste. And you’re done. It really is as simple as that! Even better, the simmering can be done while you are preparing the pizza toppings.

Pizza sauce can also be made in advance and stored for future pizza nights!

  • Fridge: Store the sauce in an airtight container or jar for up to one week. Perfect for prepping ahead.
  • Freezer: Make double and freeze the leftover sauce in portion-sized containers or ice cube trays. Once frozen, transfer the sauce cubes into a ziplock bag and keep them for up to 3 months.

Topping Favourites

Pizza is a blank canvas, and the topping combinations are endless. That said, less is more when it comes to pizza. I try to cap it at a maximum of four toppings (that doesn’t always happen though… it’s easy to get carried away 😉) and only use a little cheese. This will let the base, pizza sauce and toppings all work together.

Some of my favourite toppings are:

  1. Classic Margherita: Fresh mozzarella, basil leaves and an optional drizzle of olive oil.
  2. Pesto Salami: Sliced salami (sopressa works well), pesto, black olives and mozzarella.
  3. Prosciutto & Parmesan: Mozzarella, prosciutto, parmesan and rocket – this one is a little different. Bake the base with the sauce and mozzarella and add the prosciutto, parmesan and rocket to serve.

Making pizza at home with this classic sauce will take your pizza nights to the next level. It’s simple to prepare, packed with flavour, and easy to customise. Whether you go for a traditional margherita or experiment with unique toppings, this sauce is the perfect base for your pizza creations. Enjoy!

Feedback & More

Did you try the Classic Pizza Sauce? Let me know in the comments below. Cheers, Elby!

If you liked this recipe, check out some of my other Italian recipes. Also, follow The Tasteful Pantry on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest for all the latest recipes and info.

Classic Pizza Sauce

Classic Pizza Sauce

Recipe by Elby | The Tasteful Pantry

This is a classic tomato-based pizza sauce. It lifts any pizza – pick your choice of base and toppings and off you go.

Course: MainCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Easy
5.0 from 1 vote
Makes approx.


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  • 2 tsp olive oil

  • 2 cloves garlic

  • 400 grams tinned tomatoes

  • 2 tbsp tomato paste

  • 1-2 tsp sugar

  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Blitz the garlic, tomatoes and tomato paste in a food processor.
  • Heat the oil in a small saucepan over medium heat and carefully add the tomato mix. Simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  • Stir in the sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

    That’s all there is to it… Now use with your favourite pizza base and toppings for the perfect pizza night!

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