Banana Choc Hazelnut Smoothie

Banana Choc Hazelnut Smoothie
5.0 from 1 vote

Banana Choc Hazelnut Smoothie was created by my youngest! She also recommends a scoop of ice cream for an even more delicious treat 😉

If you’re craving something sweet, creamy, and utterly delicious, this Banana Choc Hazelnut Smoothie is the perfect treat. Combining the natural sweetness of ripe banana with the rich flavour of chocolate hazelnut spread, this smoothie is a decadent delight that’s so easy to make. Packed with nutrients from chia seeds and a bit of indulgence with a scoop of ice cream, this smoothie is a perfect hit for that sweet craving.

Try my Blueberry Coconut Smoothie and Banana Mango Smoothie for some other refreshing treats.

Ingredients & Method

  • Banana: Ripe and naturally sweet, bananas add creaminess and thickness to the smoothie.
  • Milk: Choose your favourite milk—dairy, almond, soy, or oat milk all work wonderfully.
  • Chocolate Hazelnut Spread: This adds a rich, nutty chocolate flavour that makes the smoothie irresistibly indulgent.
  • Chia Seeds: For a boost of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and a little extra thickness.
  • Ice: Keeps the smoothie cold and refreshing.
  • Optional Extras – Ice Cream and/or Toasted Hazelnuts: For an extra special treat, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to make this smoothie even more decadent. Or how about some toasted hazelnuts to really bring out that earthy flavour.
  • Making the Smoothie: Not much to say here… Blend well. Serve. Enjoy!

Smoothie Tips and Variations:

  • Health Boost: To make this smoothie even more nutritious, consider adding a handful of spinach. The banana and chocolate hazelnut spread will mask the flavour of the greens, so you’ll still get that delicious smoothie. Or how about some avocado for an extra smooth smoothie.
  • Dairy-Free Option: Use unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk (from a carton) or any other plant-based milk and a dairy-free ice cream to make this smoothie vegan-friendly.
  • Extra Toppings: For a little crunch, top your smoothie with chopped hazelnuts or a sprinkle of granola.

This Banana Choc Hazelnut Smoothie is a perfect blend of indulgence and nutrition. With the creamy richness of chocolate hazelnut spread and the natural sweetness of banana, it’s a treat that feels luxurious but is packed with wholesome ingredients. The kids are sure to love this one as a special afternoon snack – which will keep them going until dinner.

Feedback & More

Did you try the Banana Choc Hazelnut Smoothie? Let me know in the comments below. Cheers, Elby!

Liked this one? Check out some of my other delicious Smoothie recipes. Also, follow The Tasteful Pantry on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest for all the latest recipes and info.

Banana Choc Hazelnut Smoothie

Banana Choc Hazelnut Smoothie

Recipe by Elby | The Tasteful Pantry

A super quick afternoon treat, with a hidden protein boost.

Course: SnacksCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy
5.0 from 1 vote


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  • 1 ripe banana, peeled and halved (overripe is better)

  • 1 cup milk (or coconut or almond milk)

  • 1 tbsp chocolate hazelnut spread

  • 1 tsp chia seeds

  • Handful ice cubes

  • Optional Extras
  • 1 scoop vanilla ice-cream

  • 2 tsp toasted hazelnuts


  • Blend all ingredients until smooth (including any of the optional extras you are using). Pour into your favourite glass and enjoy!
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